Former Projects
Instructor and Course Designer (2020)
• Designed and taught a full-credit advanced computer science course to 30 students at UBC, focused on competitive programming.
• Course topics: graph algoritms (Dijkstra, FW, Union-Find, 2-SAT, ...), dynamic programming, range queries techniques (segment trees and fenwick trees), computational geometry, and strings algorithms
Co-Founder (2016-2017)
• Created website that teaches Brazilians competitive programming for free.
• Reached over 7,000 users and graded over 110,000 source codes.
• Many students who trained through the website became medalists in the Brazilian Olympiad in Informatics.
Co-Founder & President (2013-2016)
• Co-Founded and headed project to democratizes access and performance in academic Olympiads in Brazil.
• Led a team of 10 people to create articles and tutorials available for free.
• Reached over half a million views from all over Brazil.
• Successfully passed the torch to next generations. The project is stronger than ever after 10 years.
UBC ACM-ICPC Community
Head Coach (2018-2019)
• Built an environment for people to practice and excel by handling issues they would otherwise have, such as budget and practices.
• Our main team won first place the regionals, beating Stanford and Berkeley, qualifying for World Finals. The Division 2 teams placed second and third.
• Recruited and grew the size of the community to 40 people.